
Friday, April 3, 2009

Concept Car : Audi R-Zero

Concept car. This word-combination is in a common use nowadays, but, as for me, I have never been thinking what it is all about. And not so far I made it clear to myself and now ready to share my knowledge with you.

A concept car can also be called a show car, it is not actually, a car - it is a prototype of car, produced in order to show a cutting-edge technique, a new way of car producing, styling and much more. As a rule, such cars are made to be shown at various motor shows and are aimed to draw public’s attention and to show main trends of the following season. Also, they can be made in order to see public’s reaction onto car design. But, pay attention, this car is not necessary will come into production.

Harley Earl - famous car designer form General Motors is a great contributor into popularization of the concept car image. To tell the truth, concept cars have to to be changed a lot before going into production, because only in such a way, they can correspond to the following demands: safety, quality and price. Concept cars designers make emphasize on one part of the car, for example on engine (too powerful, but no safety standards are thought after) or design (it can be too exotic, too unusual - with 3 wheels, gullwing doors etc.). Moreover, their development is very time-consuming and extremely expensive. That’s why, most of the models will never became more than computer drawings , I mean will never become real cars. Most of the cars are made from wax, metal, plastic (when they will for sure be only projects), and if a car will be a real car, it is made as a modification of the exiting car or, at least, at the same platform as one of the existing cars.

When the show is over, cars are destroyed, but, sometimes, manufacturers, can leave them “alive” and put in their own museum. By most people, Buick Y-Job considers to be the first concept car.

So, as you see, I even started a new category about concept cars, and it is time to pay your attention to one of the most beautiful concept cars. Ladies and gentlemen, Audi R-Zero Concept Car!

Its motto: sport, power and ecological friendliness. It is an electric car, but it doesn’t lack of bright design. Do you still remember the Protocol of Kyoto? I think, in a couple of years, most of the Earth generation will change their cars for electric and eco-friendly. It is a muscular sport car, look a little bit like Audi TT. This car can breathe, because of a special interior and exterior design - air can circulate free inside it. Audi R-Zero was designed and developed in France and it represents a car of the future, nothing tells us, that it is an electric car, driving it you can see and feel only a powerful car with incredible opportunities for a driver.

Post Title Concept Car : Audi R-Zero